Bragg Insurance Blog
How Technology is Changing the Insurance Industry
Technology is no longer a complement to the insurance industry; it’s a driving force. Insurers who embrace these advancements are not only improving their operations but also delivering better experiences and outcomes for their customers. For policyholders, the future of insurance promises greater convenience, personalization, and transparency.
The Profound Importance of Being Thankful (Copy)
In a fast-paced world filled with countless responsibilities, challenges, and distractions, it can be easy to lose sight of the simple yet profound act of being thankful. Gratitude is a timeless virtue that holds immense significance in our lives, affecting not only our mental and emotional well-being but also the way we connect with the world around us. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of being thankful and explore how practicing gratitude can enrich our lives.
Danger of Fire when Mulching Leaves with a Lawn Mower
As the leaves start to fall during autumn, many homeowners turn to lawn mowers with mulching capabilities to make yard maintenance more efficient. While mulching leaves is a practical solution for some, it's essential to be aware of the potential fire danger associated with this practice. Mulching dry leaves with a lawn mower can pose a serious fire risk that could result in property damage, injuries, and even death.
The Important Role of a Local Independent Insurance Agent
In a world driven by technology and convenience, the value of an independent insurance agent is indispensable. Independent agents offer a level of personalized service and expertise that automated platforms simply can't match. Having a strong independent insurance agency in your corner is significantly important in our current times.
What Will Be Your Legacy?
Life is unpredictable, and none of us can foresee what the future holds. This uncertainty is what makes life insurance such a critical financial tool. It is a safety net for your loved ones and ensures that they are protected, even when you're no longer around. In this blog post, we will explore the various facets of life insurance and why it is of paramount importance.
Understanding the Surge in Insurance Rates
If you are paying attention, you’ve likely noticed an increase in your insurance rates. This has many people asking why? In this blog post, I will give you some of the key factors contributing to the surge in insurance prices and hopefully give you some insights into the dynamics at play.
Flood Defined & Why Your Home Policy Does not Cover Flood
When purchasing a flood insurance policy, it is important to understand how your flood insurance company defines a flood. Most companies use FEMA’s definition. FEMA defines a flood as:
10 Ways to Save Money on Your Insurance
1. Match your coverages to your specific needs. Insurance is not one size fits all. Have your agent explain each and every coverage that you are paying for. Use this information to help determine if your coverage fits your circumstances.
Adding a New Driver Can Be Expensive; Not Adding Them May Cost More.
Inexperienced drivers have accidents. Of course they do; anyone learning a new set of skills is bound to make a mistake. In fact, new drivers between the ages of 16 and 22 are 96% more likely to have some type of auto accident. It may just be a fender bender or something much more serious. They’re going to have an accident; the severity is the question.
The Right Time to Buy Life Insurance?
Unfortunately none of us are going to get out of here alive, and some of us will even die prematurely. That’s why it is so important to have the proper life insurance in place at the proper time in your life.
How Pet Insurance Works
Pet health insurance coverage is actually really simple. After your purchase a Pet Health Insurance Policy from Bragg Insurance Agency you can take your pet for a covered treatment, pay the vet bill, then submit a claim for reimbursement.