How Pet Insurance Works
Pet health insurance coverage is actually really simple. After your purchase a Pet Health Insurance Policy from Bragg Insurance Agency you can take your pet for a covered treatment, pay the vet bill, then submit a claim for reimbursement.
When you purchase your pet insurance policy you will be able to:
Select an annual coverage limit of $2,500, $5,000, $10,000 or unlimited.
Select a deductible of $100, $250 or $500.
Select a reimbursement percentage of 70%, 80% or 90%.
Policies have a 12-month term deductible, so once the deductible is met you won’t have to satisfy it again until the policy renews. After the annual deductible is met, the reimbursement amount will be 70%, 80% or 90% of the covered invoice, based on the reimbursement percentage selected when the policy was purchased.
A package covering preventive care (with no deductible) is also available
Coverage can be purchased for multiple pets; each will have their own separate policy and premium, and each additional pet policy qualifies for a 10% discount.
Reimbursements can be deposited directly into your bank account or sent via check.
This insurance is applicable for treatments at any licensed veterinary clinic in the U.S. or Canada, including treatment from licensed specialists and emergency facilities.